Ringing in the Spring Festival at our newest club
On the 20th of February 2021, after much anticipation, we were thrilled our first club in Shanghai finally opened at the Hall of the Moon mall, here in the city. We saw our newest club spring to life just in time for the New Year, as we celebrated the launch with our families and friends, making for a special day with lots of memories made!
We’re officially open!
Lion Dancing and more at our Opening Ceremony
伴着春日里的明媚阳光,Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁——Shirley Jin女士上台致辞,和大家分享了初遇麦琪萝丝的故事。来自英国领事馆的高级贸易投资官——姜赟先生也在这一重要时刻,表达了对麦琪萝丝最真挚的祝福。SMG著名主持人、多档家喻户晓的节目当家主持——毛威老师也惊喜出现在大家面前,祝贺麦琪萝丝开业大吉。还有和麦琪萝丝创造了许多美好回忆的会员代表Zoey一家也来到了麦琪萝丝上海站,见证麦琪萝丝里程碑时刻,给予麦琪萝丝最珍贵的肯定。
It was a beautiful sunny day, as we listened to the President of Maggie & Rose Greater China, Shirley Jin, who told us her story of how she came to know of Maggie & Rose for the first time. Benjamin Jiang, Senior Investment and Trade Officer from the British consulate shared his warm wishes to Maggie & Rose and the well-known TV host from SMG, Mr Mao Wei made a surprise appearance to congratulate us on our opening. We were also very lucky to have one of our members, Zoey, up on stage, who told us more about her memories made here at Maggie & Rose.
Maggie & Rose大中华区董事长、总裁:Shirley Jin女士
曾任HERMÈS中国区商务总监、BOTTEGA VENETA中国区总裁、小星辰品牌集团总裁兼首席执行官、中国玩具和婴童用品协会副会长、广州珠海区人大代表;
从左至右:麦琪萝丝英方拓展总监——Kirsten Hunter,Des,James Cole,William van Bergen
左一:时尚辣妈Jolin Lin女士
在麦琪萝丝4个IP人物的引领下,活灵活现的祥狮随之登场。在中国,狮子被认为是祥瑞之物。每逢节庆,或有重大活动,必有醒狮点睛助兴。Shirley Jin女士,姜赟先生,毛威老师,还有众安控股有限公司控股公司办公室主任、Maggie & Rose大中华区董事——方彬先生,共同拿起朱砂笔,为沉睡的瑞狮点上尊贵的一笔。同时,寓意“生财”的采青仪式将开业仪式推向高潮,祝福麦琪萝丝未来宏图大展,吉祥如意,财源广进。
With the help of our four friends, Maggie, Rose, Oscar and Bentley, two lions joined us to bring us good luck on our opening day. In China, lions are known to bring good luck, and at every festival, the lion dance also brings a dose of fun. Ms. Jin, Mr Maowei, Mr Fangbin and Mr Benjamin Jiang picked up the lucky red pens and and painted the eyes of the sleeping lions, whilst also tearing up the lettuce to feed them (this brings lots of good luck too as the word ‘lettuce’ sounds like ‘make money’ in Chinese!). The lion dance brought us some good fortune and is an important tradition here for future prosperity.
随后,在Shirley Jin女士的隆重宣布下,Maggie & Rose麦琪萝丝上海月亮湾俱乐部正式开业!众领导共同按下启动按钮,开启神秘宝箱,顿时五彩气球飘在空中,一如燃起的希望,由衷期许麦琪萝丝在未来的每一时刻都将成为每个家庭最宝贵的美好记忆,在场的百余名嘉宾纷纷鼓掌喝彩。
After a grand announcement from Shirley, our Moon Club officially opened! Shirley alongside our special guests, pulled the string on some golden presents and we all watched red and gold balloons fly into the air. The balloons were a lovely symbol of hope for the future of our newest club here in Shanghai, and we hope that our families will continue to make memories here with us. Over one hundred of our guests joined us and cheered as we opened!
Our four friends at Maggie & Rose joined the parade of traditional dragon and lion dancers around the Moon Bay Mall, handing out New Year's red envelopes and blessings to families on their way. With the sound of gongs and drums, the lion dance brought the very best wishes to us all at Maggie & Rose.
Fun-filled family activities
After the grand opening, everyone went into the club to continue the party. Our fun puppet show was a hit with the little ones, we made sweet and tasty Yuanxiao, a symbol of reunion and were a great way to remember a very special day! We also made lanterns in our art studio, symbolising the bright future ahead of us. Our activities were lots of fun for our families joining in, as we learnt through play together!
A sneak peek into our newest Shanghai home
We’ve arrived at Moon Bay station!
Maggie & Rose麦琪萝丝上海瑞虹天地月亮湾俱乐部,沿袭了伦敦Kensington、Chiswick和香港浅水湾三家俱乐部经营模式,将英伦魅力与中国文化完美融合。当一家人徜徉于此,可以享受到英式早教、亲子餐厅、派对定制、英制攀爬等超乎想象的神奇世界和温馨服务,快乐的亲子时光在这里发生、定格、延续。
Our newest Maggie & Rose club house here in Shanghai, just like our clubs in London’s Kensington and Chiswick, and Hong Kong, integrates the best of British with a local flavour. Our families join us to learn, with our British early years’ classes, to eat, with our family restaurant, to party, with our bespoke party offering and play, with our British-made play spaces.
一踏入俱乐部,映入眼帘的是极具创意的火车设计,空中悬挂着的火车灯、满载绿植的枕木,存放“行李箱”的休闲区,复古火车阀门,还有醒目的木质站牌名“SHANGHAI MOON”……刻入细节的环境创设,让人仿佛和麦琪萝丝一同从英国伦敦乘着老式火车来到了上海月亮湾俱乐部。
As soon as you step into our new club, you’ll be transported to a British village train station; look out for the train-themed lights hanging in the entrance, the station waiting room, plenty of greenery and a sign welcoming you to Shanghai Moon station. The space has been designed by our in-house designers, paying close attention to every detail, allowing our members to imagine themselves in another world, as they hop on the train from London all the way to Shanghai.
One of our favourite things about our new club is the British vintage style, and its cosy and inviting atmosphere. Every corner of our club has a British feel, with every vintage item, toy and door with it’s own story to tell and unique character.
Vintage furniture sourced from all over the UK
A British family atmosphere
Traditional British style
Traditional wooden furniture
Natural feel
Reducing the use of bright colours
Design-led spaces
玩乐之余,欣赏一场 Antique Show
Check out our antique furniture
Full of stories and character
A secret mouse house
Imagination-boosting for the little ones
Encouraging grown-ups and little ones to share a moment together
Vintage doors
Every corner designed by our in-house design team
A bespoke play space for the little ones to discover
Our super-cool outdoor glass domes
360 degree view from our terrace
A spot to check out the ever-changing city
And take time to be together!
Maggie & Rose
Hailing from London, with clubhouses in Hong Kong and Hangzhou, we’ve finally landed in Shanghai
Maggie & Rose started back in 2006 in London, with our first, much-loved family members' club opening in Kensington. We next popped up with two clubs in Hong Kong, in Repulse Bay and Causeway Bay, and then landed in Mainland of China in 2018. We now have clubs across the globe, in London, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Hangzhou.
With over a decade of experience opening our family clubs, Maggie & Rose provide our families with a place to spend time together, based on our ethos of eat, play, learn and party. We have become the ultimate destination for families to go to for family friendly dining, play time, British early years’ learning, parties and family-friendly shopping.
作为家的延伸,麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部秉承“Time to be together”的理念,为全家提供舒适、充满创意的休闲共享空间,旨在鼓励父母与孩子有更多的陪伴和成长,记录和沉淀难忘的家庭美好时光,成为了会员们最喜爱的“家外之家”。
An extension of home, we are all about building comfortable, creative spaces for little ones and grown-ups to take ‘time to be together’, encouraging our families to grow and learn, and make unforgettable memories at our ‘homes away from home’.
Learn through play with our British early years’ learning ethos
英式创意早教是麦琪萝丝最大的亮点之一,经过 14年的英国实践沉淀、8年的香港市场探索,基于"玩中学"的教育法则与体验式方法形成独家早教体系"CREATE"早期教育理念。在开业前,月亮湾的体验点因“寓教于乐”的双语沉浸式教学,受到了众多家长的追捧和喜爱。
Our early years’ curriculum was developed over the last 14 years in London, and has since been trialled and tested in Hong Kong for 8 years. We are all about learning through play and the concept, ‘CREATE’. Before opening, we had a pop-up at Moon Bay mall where we met lots of families who loved our bilingual, immersive classes and ‘learning through play’ ethos.
Over the last year, little ones have even been able to try out our classes online from the comfort of home, with our digital Maggie & Rose platform, offering up weekly classes focusing on music, art, cooking, encouraging little ones to get imaginative and creative.
Our classes are taught by one native English speaking teacher, with a Chinese teaching assistant, offering up interactive and fun teaching environments for little ones and grown-ups, which are immersive and bilingual. At our clubs, little ones hear English spoken everywhere, as they get stuck into our classes, whether it’s becoming little cheflets, creating masterpieces, making music together, getting messy splatting or just being creative!
Our five early years’ classes
小小音乐家 Mini Musicians
Join us to become a mini musician! It’s not just about instruments, why not try a car horn, a bell, a door knock to make music with?
Let’s combine different styles of music and get musical as we encourage little ones to develop their musical abilities!
中华小当家 Little Cheflets
Have you ever been to class, in a kitchen? Learn the names of fruit & veg, get counting, weigh your ingredients and improve numeracy in our cooking classes!
天马艺术家Messy Masters
In our Messy Masters class, let little ones explore the world of art, different artistic style, learn about artists of years gone by and try their hand at creating their own masterpieces!
梦想制造家 Make & Make Believe
Let little ones bring their dreams to life in this imagination-boosting class! One day we’re on the African savannah, then next we’re off to America, then it’s into the jungle exploring, and up next it’s time to do some wacky science experiments! In each class, we create another world, allowing little ones to experience and express their imaginations and get creative.
绘本旅行家 Bookworm Adventurers
Choose from a variety of story books as we go on an adventure! We split this class up according to a little ones age and encourage them to interact with storybooks, through games, developing motor skills and reading and writing ability.
Eat together at our family restaurant
Our authentic English afternoon tea is one of the highlights of our family restaurant offering, giving a truly British feel to our families. Our tasty dishes use quality ingredients, making our restaurant a real hit with our members, mini and grown-up! Our menus draw inspiration from all over the world, with each dish carefully laid out for our families to enjoy.
Mushroom & Bacon Carbonara, Roast chicken and Hong Kong-style egg rolls. A few of our favourite dishes, they’re super tasty!
Have you tried our special ‘Moon’ pizza named after a new club at the Hall of the Moon? Baked in a crescent shape, golden and tasty, it resembles the shape of the moon and is perfect to share as a family and for the little ones to try too!
Our signature sweetsoufflé pancakes are soft and fluffy, just like clouds. They’re a firm favourite of ours and melt in your mouth! To make the soufflé fluffy and light, we did our research to find the best equipment on the market. We finally found custom-made equipment from Japan and shipped these to our kitchens to make the fluffiest of pancakes! Join us for a taste of the clouds!
Our British play-spaces
All of our playspaces are made using wood flown in from Scotland, and are completely natural, and designed and made in the UK. With soft, grass-like flooring, we’ve been careful to make our spaces perfect for little ones of all ages, so they can get busy playing and enjoying our energy-busting play areas.
It’s Party Time!
Maggie & Rose has been putting on parties for our families for over a decade; we are expert party planners, dealing with everything from the planning to hosting on the day! Let little ones party dreams come true! We’ve got bubbles, and themes inspired by everything from fairy tales and knights, to princesses and pirates, to celebrate those special moments. We’ve become a hit with so many families, including Chen Xiaochun's son Jasper and Liang Qi's daughter Sofia!
In the future, we’ve also got big plans here in Mainland of China, with more clubs set to open soon. Don’t miss out on our next clubs, The Place Club in Shanghai and Intime City Chenxi Club in Hangzhou, which will both be opening this year.
Maggie & Rose is all about bringing the best of British family lifestyle to our Chinese families, and encouraging our families to take time to be together. Join us at Maggie & Rose, your ‘home away from home’.
Our Moon Club has a whole host of activities in store for you in the coming weeks, and we can’t wait to share these with you and your families very soon.